Safety and repairs

7 days/week – 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. / Emergency repairs and Security 24 hours / day


For calls about any of the following, contact us right away:

 Security and fire alarm  Blocked toilet  Water damage  Broken door  Extermination

 Security and fire alarm  Blocked toilet  Water damage

 Broken door  Extermination

 Security and fire alarm  Blocked toilet

 Water damage  Broken door


 Security and fire alarm

 Blocked toilet

 Water damage

 Broken door


(514) 872-6646


For all other requests, complete the online request order:


Start request order process

For calls about security

Is your situation an emergency?
Call 9-1-1.
Did someone pull the fire alarm?
Call us at (514) 872-6646
Have you noticed a security issue in the building?
Call us at (514) 872-6646

Apartment maintenance and renovation

As a tenant, what are my responsibilities as far as my apartment is concerned?

When you move into your apartment, the OMHM will have inspected, repaired and repainted it already. You must keep your apartment in the same condition you received it in for the time you live in it. If you notice any defects or insect pests, call 514-872-6646 as soon as possible.

Do I have to pay for repairs?

As a tenant, you must maintain your home and the fixtures and fittings inside it. You are also responsible for certain repairs. For example, tenants must repair or replace:

  • Broken, smashed or punctured screens
  • Broken locks
  • Smashed doors or damaged walls, and
  • Burned out light bulbs

The OMHM will handle non-urgent repairs. However, you will be billed if you, a family member or a friend are responsible.

Can I renovate my apartment?

You are not allowed to perform construction or renovation work in your apartment without first getting the OMHM’s permission in writing. Call 514-872-6646 to request permission from the Director of Maintenance and Repairs for your building.

OMHM repair times

Requests for non-urgent repairs or maintenance are done within a week. In a small number of cases, the response time can take longer, usually because parts are out of stock or a repair requires the services of a specialized company.

The OMHM will carry out urgent repairs. However, tenants will be billed if they are responsible for the damage.

What repairs are considered “urgent”?

A repair is urgent if it leads to a situation that could endanger the safety of people or the soundness of a building (for example, a smashed door, blocked toilet or major water damage). In these circumstances, contact the call centre immediately: (514) 872-6646.  The call centre operator will send someone to deal with it right away.

Urgent repairs are usually performed within 24 hours.

Knocking on the right door for repair demands