Respect, compassion, openness, attentiveness, confidentiality, and mediation
The complaints office is here to serve you!
The OMHM aims to offer a quality service. A tenant, applicant or any other party with reason to believe that their rights have been infringed, and who has exhausted all other administrative avenues available for conflict resolution, may contact our complaints office.
The complaints office handles all complaints confidentially, compassionately and with an open mind. It provides complainants with accurate and adequate information. The OMHM's preferred method for handling complaints is cooperation among OMHM workers, tenants, and any other parties involved. Our goal is not to assign blame, but to reach solutions through conciliation.
You can contact the complaints office if:
- You believe the service that you have received is below OMHM standards;
- You feel that you have not been treated fairly;
- You believe that you have not been treated politely or respectfully;
- You have contacted those in charge of an activity or service managed by the OMHM and are not satisfied with their response or the service provided or you have not received a reply for more than one month.
To file a complaint, we invite you to call 514 868-5999 Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to noon.
If you wish to meet with an agent from the Complaints Office, you must first make an appointment by calling this same number.
Are you an OMHM tenant, applicant or any other party with reason to believe that their rights have been infringed? To file a complaint online, click here.
Complaints from the adjudication or awarding of a contract
The Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal has established a procedure enabling it to equitably receive and treat complaints arising from the adjudication or awarding of a contract.
To file a complaint following this procedure, please refer to the Suppliers: offer your products and services section for more information.