Contact us

Housing Applications (subsidized housing HLM-PSL)

400, boulevard Rosemont 
Montréal (Québec)  
H2S 0A2

Phone:  514-868-5588


Fax:  514-868-5966

Opening hours: 
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays

Find out more

Requests for repairs, pest extermination and security services

HLM Tenants

Phone: 514-872-6646

7 a.m. to 11 p.m. - 7 days a week

Pest extermination

Security services

Online contact form

Rent Supplement Program (PSL)

1695, rue Grand Trunk
Montréal (Québec)  
H3K 3H1

Phone:  514-868-3113, ext. 0

Fax:  514-868-4095

Opening hours: 
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays

Buildings and procurement

Service de l'approvisionnement

Phone: 514-872-3845 (for building contractors and professionals)


400, boulevard Rosemont 
Montréal (Québec)  
H2S 0A2

Opening hours: 
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays

Service des immeubles

Phone: 514-872-4722

Affordable housing management department

Affordable and non-subsidized housing

3800, avenue Benny
Suite 101
Montréal (Québec)
H4B 3A4

Phone: 514 483-4118


HLM service offices

Service Desk - West

2247, rue Delisle
Bureau 300
Montréal (Québec) 
H3J 1K4

Google Map

Service Desk - East

3330, boul. de l'Assomption
Montréal (Québec) 
H1N 3S4

Google Map

Opening hours: 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Social and Community Development

Phone:  514-872-2104

Fax:  514-868-3206

Requests for access to documents

As a public agency, the OMHM is subject to the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information (RSQ, c A-2.1).

A request for access to a document from the OMHM can be made verbally or in writing, except if the requested documents contain personal information. In that case, the request must be made in writing.

400, boulevard Rosemont 
Montréal (Québec)  
H2S 0A2

Phone:  514-868-5232

Fax:  514-868-8991

Online form

Complaints Office

The OMHM aims to offer a quality service. A tenant, applicant or any other party with reason to believe that their rights have been infringed, and who has exhausted all other administrative avenues available for conflict resolution, may contact our complaints office.

Role of the Complaints office

400, boulevard Rosemont 
Montréal (Québec)  
H2S 0A2

Phone:  514-868-5999

Fax:  514-868-3202

Opening hours: 

To file a complaint, we invite you to call 514 868-5999 Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to noon (except holidays).


Online form

Complaints from the adjudication or awarding of a contract

The Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal has established a procedure enabling it to equitably receive and treat complaints arising from the adjudication or awarding of a contract.

To file a complaint following this procedure, please refer to the Tendering your goods and services section for more information.

Responsible for the protection of personal information

Me Arianoush Moazzezi Moghaddam

Director of Service des affaires juridiques et corporatives

Online form

For any other information

400, boulevard Rosemont 
Montréal (Québec)  
H2S 0A2

Phone:  514-872-6442   

Heures d'ouverture: 
Du lundi au vendredi (sauf les jours fériés), de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30