Media and Public Relations

Media requests

Are you a journalist working on a story or a report? Are you a researcher for a television or radio program? Would you like more details about our activities or an interview with a member of our team? Our Communications Department would be pleased to offer you guidance and answer any questions. The OMHM keeps up special ties with the media characterized by transparency, respect and protection of the confidentiality of our clientele’s information.

To reach the Communications Department, please call (514) 872-6442 or by email:

Access to documents requests

A request for access to an OMHM document can be made verbally at 514-868-5232 or in writing, except if the requested documents contain personal information. In that case, the request must be made in writing using the Access to documents request form.

Filming permits

The OMHM makes every effort to facilitate filming on its properties for cinematic productions, television or photo shoots. All requests, whether they come from employees, the media, outside groups or other individuals, require a written permit issued by the OMHM Communications Department.

To coordinate filming activities more effectively, the OMHM has developed a procedure to ensure you receive the best possible service while filming on OMHM properties. Your cooperation is vital for us to manage the logistics involved effectively.

Prior to issuing a filming permit, the Communications Department makes various checks, such as:

  • the filming will cause as little inconvenience to tenants as possible;
  • no work is being done in the building concerned;
  • the producer has submitted proof of insurance and signed a formal agreement with the OMHM.

For more information, please review the film permit procedure (in French).

You can also contact the person in charge of film permit applications at (514) 872-6442.

HLM and PSL applicants in numbers

To find out the number of households waiting for low-rental housing or a subsidy under a rent supplement program, the OMHM offers a detailed table of applicants by territory of residence. This table was updated on December 27 2024.

Table of applicants