My rent, my lease

My rent

Payment and changes

For any questions about your rent, contact us at 514 872-6646 or e-mail us at

Pay your rent online, over the phone or at the counter of your financial institution

The Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal now offers you the option of paying your rent by bank transfer to the following financial institutions.

  • Banque nationale
  • Desjardins
  • RBC Banque Royale
  • Banque Scotia
  • Banque Laurentienne
  • BMO Banque de Montréal

Other financial institutions could be added. Check the availability of the service with your financial institution or come back here to see recent additions to the list of participating institutions.

Three ways to pay your rent at these financial institutions:

  • at the ATM or teller’s counter of your institution
  • online or through your banking app
  • or by calling the institution

Contact your financial institution for more information on how to pay online.

If you do not have an account with one of these financial institutions, you can still pay at the counter of one of them (fees of around $ 2 may apply).

Note: Your OMHM reference number must be included in the space provided for the invoice number of your financial institution’s form. To find out where to find this number and the participating institutions, see this sample lease. The part number is highlighted in yellow.

IMPORTANT: The 11-digit part number must be included without dashes or spaces. If you don't have a reference number, obtain yours by calling us at 514 872-6646 or e-mail us at

NB .: To find and add the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal in the list of payment recipients of your financial institution, write Office or Office municipal and the name of the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal will appear in the list.

Questions about my lease

How long is my lease?

Usually 12 months

What should I do to terminate my lease?

Inform the client relations agent in writing within 30 days of receiving the lease renewal notice.

For any questions about your lease, contact us at 514 872-6646 or e-mail us at