Low-rent housing
13687, 13687T, 13701, 13703, 13705, 13707, 13709, 13711, 13713, 13723, 13725, 13727, 13729, 13731, 13733, 13735, 13745, 13755, 13765, 13775, rue Forsyth
Families, couples, people living alone
195 units
- 50 x 1b.r.
- 54 x 2b.r.
- 2 x 2b.r., adapted units
- 2 x 3b.r., adapted units
- 60 x 3b.r.
- 19 x 4b.r.
- 2 x 5b.r.
- 6 autres
In operation since
Contact persons
Rental Agent
Danyèle Ayotte
Agent de location - gestion milieux de vie
Agsous, Djazia Mila;Michel, Cathy;Agsous, Djazia Mila;Michel, Cathy
Building Manager
Daniel Péjan
Préposé(e) à la sécurité des locataires
Valérie St-Pierre
Service and installations
2 lifts
13687T, rue Forsyth
2 lifts
13687, rue Forsyth
13687T, rue Forsyth
2 lifts
13687, rue Forsyth
16 appliances
13687, rue Forsyth, rc, 2th, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
13687, rue Forsyth, rc, 2th, 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
6 outside parking areas with a total of 162 parking lots
13687, rue Forsyth