Habitations De l'Érablière

Low-rent housing
Le Sud-Ouest
1745, 1745T, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
500, 504, 508, 512, 516, 520, 524, 528, 532, 536, rue Richmond
Families, couples, people living alone
96 units
  • 15 studios
  • 49 x 1b.r.
  • 9 x 1b.r., adapted units
  • 11 x 2b.r.
  • 3 x 3b.r.
  • 2 x 4b.r.
  • 3 x 5b.r.
  • 4 autres
In operation since
Rental Agent
Jacqueline Mendy
Agent de location - gestion milieux de vie
Ngoto, Lauryn;Ngoto, Lauryn
Building Manager
Véronique Myette
Préposé(e) à la sécurité des locataires
Mohammed Mahrir
2 lifts
1745T, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
2 lifts
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
10 appliances
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, 2th, 4th, 6th, 8th
2 appliances
508, rue Richmond, basement
2 appliances
528, rue Richmond, basement
1 outside parking area with a total of 4 parking lots

1 inside parking area with a total of 10 parking lots
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest