Low-rent housing
Le Sud-Ouest
1745, 1745T, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
500, 504, 508, 512, 516, 520, 524, 528, 532, 536, rue Richmond
500, 504, 508, 512, 516, 520, 524, 528, 532, 536, rue Richmond
Families, couples, people living alone
96 units
- 15 studios
- 49 x 1b.r.
- 9 x 1b.r., adapted units
- 11 x 2b.r.
- 3 x 3b.r.
- 2 x 4b.r.
- 3 x 5b.r.
- 4 autres
In operation since
Contact persons
Rental Agent
Jacqueline Mendy
Agent de location - gestion milieux de vie
Ngoto, Lauryn;Ngoto, Lauryn
Building Manager
Véronique Myette
Préposé(e) à la sécurité des locataires
Mohammed Mahrir
Service and installations
2 lifts
1745T, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
2 lifts
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
1745T, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
2 lifts
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
10 appliances
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, 2th, 4th, 6th, 8th
2 appliances
508, rue Richmond, basement
2 appliances
528, rue Richmond, basement
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, 2th, 4th, 6th, 8th
2 appliances
508, rue Richmond, basement
2 appliances
528, rue Richmond, basement
1 outside parking area with a total of 4 parking lots
1 inside parking area with a total of 10 parking lots
1 inside parking area with a total of 10 parking lots
1745, rue Notre-Dame Ouest